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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Me and Jamberry | An Intro to Jamberry Nail Wraps

Hey All - Welcome to the first post of this blog.  Killer intro, I know.  Hang in there...

I just recently became a Jamberry Nails rep.

I do not consider myself the "salesey-type."  I am innovative, creative, and entrepreneurial (hence my handful of small creative ventures).  But sales is not my forte.  However once I heard the full scoop on Jamberry, I took the {slightly-out-of-my-comfort-zone} leap and decided to jump on board.

Here's why:

-I'm a savvy business gal.  This company is newer and growing rapidly.  The other reps I had talked to are doing well, amazingly well, after only a few short months.  With some financial goals in mind (paying off loans is a great motivator!), both my husband and I decided it would be worth the try.

-This is a super visual product - people like it.  I like it!  It gets asked about all the time.  Why not help people find the product for themselves!?  (You know you like it too).

-Jamberry nail wraps are really a game changing product in the world of beauty.  You can only improve on, say mascara, so much.  But taking the world from solid color nail polish to fun designs that are easy to apply is a significant change in the world of nails.  I appreciate innovation.

-Nail polish doesn't last, so I didn't use it.  And thus I never took the time to do my nails.  Jamberry nail wraps last forever! (ok, not quite forever).  Previously if I were to make the effort of painting my nails, I also had to wait for them to dry, and then hope they made it a whole day, two if I was lucky, without chipping.  With Jamberry I just apply the nail wraps (no dry time!) and leave them on for two whole weeks (maybe even a few days more).  Most people get 10 days to 2 weeks out of them (nails do grow after all).

-And lastly: I admit, I am a complete sucker for cute prints and trendy patterns.  So hey, I could buy them all just to hang on my wall.  But instead I will continue to put them on my nails and experience tiny moments of happy-happy-joy-joy throughout my day. (Who doesn't need a little more of that?)  They come in solids as well as patterns.

If you're curious about Jamberry, or want to try the product, be in touch or just order directly online.  Feel free to shoot me an email at
-Samples can be tried!
-Freebies can be earned! (think online Facebook event)
-And if this business venture peaks your interest, I can even help you become a rep too.

Ok - go check out the 200 designs already!!  Head to my Jamberry webpage and see things for yourself.  {Buy 3, get 1 free!}

Shannon -
"independent Jamberry Nails consultant"

PS -- If emailing, please make your subject heading "Jamberry" or "Nail q's" or something along those lines -- don't want it to get buried!


PPS -- Here is a glimpse of the very first Jamberry nail wrap look I did (my daughter too).  Looking back I could have tweaked the application a tad, but you get better at doing this very quickly.  This look lasted me 2 weeks and 1 day. (Forgive the color quality of photo - the floral pattern is purple-based, and the stripes are a pale mint green with gold stripe -- much cuter in person).